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About Us

Campo San Zaccaria, five minutes walking from St Mark square, is a peculiar place in Venice thanks to the predominant presence of St Zaccaria church.
Our store, Segreti di Bellezza, opened in 2011, provides guests with some of the most natural and outstanding products in Europe. 


It is a perfect shop for locals and tourist that want to make themselves a perfect gift.


位於威尼斯本島市中心距離聖馬可廣場步行五分鐘的聖匝加利亞廣場 (Campo San Zaccaria),是一個安靜清幽的廣場,廣場上的聖匝加利亞教堂(Chiesa di San Zaccaria),供奉施洗約翰的父親聖匝加利亞. 一直以來是來威尼斯遊客必訪的景點.

本店Segreti di Bellezza (SDB),自2011開業來抱持著提供客人歐洲最自然優秀商品為目標,是本地人和觀光客自用送禮首選的小店..

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About Us 


A beauty store located in the center of Venice Island, was established to provide you with healthy, environmentally friendly and affordable products based on the Italian herbal brand.

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